Page 8 - MTWISummer2024
P. 8

CTE / Engineering
        Page 8                                                                                                 Electronic Edition: www .teachingtodaywi .com

                   Community Comes Out to Experience Hamilton Applied Engineering

                   and Technology Programs

                                                                                cipal Mark Otto explains how both the Open
                                                                                House and the meeting held beforehand aim
                                                                                to connect with the community. “Local busi-
                                                                                ness representatives and community members
                                                                                alike were welcome to see the work that stu-
                                                                                dents completed during the second semester,”
                                                                                says Otto. “Prior to the open house, the AeT
                                                                                department  met  with  members  of  the  Busi-
                                                                                ness Advisory Council and continued to build
                                                                                relationships  with  local  businesses  to  solicit
                                                                                ideas that will continue building the school’s
                                                                                programs.  When  we  did  the  last  renovation
                                                                                in  2018,  our  number  of  participants  in AET
                                                                                courses  rose  and  we  were  able  to  add  sec-
                                                                                tions  of  welding,  construction,  and  woods.
                                                                                Increased  student  participation  enhances  our
                                                                                ability  to  support  the  local  workforce  and
                                                                                labor shortage for our business partners.”
                                                                                   “It  is  great  to  welcome  community
                                                                                members into these classrooms so they can see
                                                                                first hand the amazing student projects,“ said
        Hamilton School District            Tom Schlueter. “Continuing our industry rela-  Hamilton School District Superintendent Paul   Technology education Association. All three
            Community members visited Hamilton’s   tionships  allows  our  department  to  keep  up   Mielke, Ph.D. “We are incredibly proud of our   school  AeT  programs  were  recognized  for
        Applied  engineering  and Technology  (AeT)   with current business trends and practices. In   award-winning AeT programs and continually   providing students with rigorous training and
        Open House on May 29 to tour state-of-the-art   turn, we are able to better serve our students   hear  from  local  business  partners  how  these   skill development in the areas and concepts
        labs, see class projects, meet teachers and hear   and prepare them for the world of work if that   courses are equipping students with real world   of  technology  and  engineering.  This  distin-
        directly from students about what they accom-  is the path they choose after high school.”  skills  that  contribute  to  the  local  job  market   guished  honor  was  made  possible  through
        plished during the 2023-24 school year.  Hamilton  AeT  facilities  were  created   upon graduation. Our talented and dedicated   the support of the Hamilton School District
            “Many  employers  are  facing  workforce   to  foster  innovation,  hands-on  learning  and   staff make all of this possible.”  community.
        shortages and our department believes events   provide students with exceptional opportuni-  AeT programs at Hamilton High School,
        like  this  can  expose  our  students’  diverse   ties in the fields of engineering, construction,   Templeton Middle School and Silver Spring
        talents to the entire school community,” says   fabrication, graphic design and welding.  Intermediate  School  have  all  been  awarded
        Hamilton High School Graphic Arts Teacher   Hamilton  High  School  Associate  Prin-  2023 “Program of the Year” by the Wisconsin

                   Templeton Students receive Upgraded Plastics Technology Equipment

                                            affects  student  work  and  supports  class-  parts;  keychains,  model  car  wheels,  golf
                                            room innovation opportunities.      tees  and  screwdrivers,”  explains  Temple-
                                               A  new  pneumatic  injection  molding   ton  Middle  School  Applied  engineering
                                            machine  has  been  purchased  with  the   and Technology Teacher Shannon Flaherty.
                                            recently awarded $4,550 grant. “TMS stu-  “Templeton’s  previous  injection  molding
                                            dents  have  injection  molded  thousands  of   machines  were  purchased  in  2014.  Since
                                                                                that time our students have made countless
                                                                                injections and the machines are worn out.
                                                                                We  are  grateful  for  the  continued  support
                                                                                of the plastics curriculum at TMS and the
                                                                                investment in our students.”
                                                                                   All  seventh  grade  students  at  TMS
                                                                                participate  in  an  AeT  course  for  one
                                                                                quarter  of  the  school  year.  The  following
                                                                                year, approximately one-third of all eighth
                                                                                graders chose to enroll in a year-long AeT
                                                                                course.  This  upgraded  equipment  will
                                                                                directly impact hundreds of students.
            Templeton  Middle  School  (TMS)
        Applied  engineering  and  Technology
        (AeT)  students  receive  upgraded  and                        
        expanded  equipment  in  their  classroom
        thanks  to  a  grant  from  the  Milwaukee
        Society of Plastics engineering education
        Foundation. The  grant  money  allowed  for
        the  purchase  of  equipment  that  directly
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