Page 16 - MTWISummer2024
P. 16

CTE / Construction
        Page 16                                                                                                Electronic Edition: www .teachingtodaywi .com

                           It’s Hands’ On with Apprenticeship at Muskego

                                            High  School  includes  dedicated  spaces  for
                                            engineering, manufacturing, automotives, art,
                                            construction, welding, robotics, Project Lead
                                            the  Way,  and  culinary  arts.  With  the  UBC,
                                            Josh  Radovich  is  working  in  a  carpentry
                                            pre-apprenticeship  and  youth  apprenticeship
                                            program, and Veronica Soderberg is working
                                            as a civil engineer youth apprentice.
                                            What does your day look like?
                                               Veronica — I work on a variety of dif-
                                            ferent tasks in the construction trailer on-site,
                                            like checking submittals and going over shop
                                            drawings to see if they meet standards. A lot
                                            of my work is organization, keeping files, and
                                            updating  drawings  when  the  architect  needs
                                            them. My mentor gives me a lot of guidance
                                            and answers all of my questions. It’s all about   What have you been learning so far?  want to do yet, but I would like to go to college
                                            hands-on  learning,  so  if  my  mentor  is  given   Veronica  —  I  had  no  experience  with   for engineering or construction. I would really
                                            a  project,  they  take  time  and  walk  through   Microsoft  products  before,  so  I’m  learning   like to do something abroad since I’m inter-
                                            items, like RFIs, step-by-step to make sure I   a  lot  about  working  in  programs  like  Excel.   ested in old architecture and restoration.
        Muskego-Norway Schools              understand.                         My mentor is teaching me the ins-and-outs on   Josh — After this, I am planning on con-
            Construction  of  the  projects  approved   Josh  —  I  am  currently  working  on  the   how to read shop drawings and working with   tinuing  into  an  apprenticeship  program  and
        in the 2022 facilities referendum at Muskego   S.T.e.A.M. facility. I’ll meet with the foreman   product data.   see where it takes me. Having a job like this
        High  School  and  Lakeview  elementary  are   and see what tasks need to be done, and then   Josh — The hands-on learning I’m a part   is really cool as a senior because in 20 years,
        underway with an estimated completion date   I’ll go on-site and work on forming or surfing   of  deals  a  lot  with  concrete.  I’m  learning  a   I  can  look  back  and  not  only  say  I  went  to
        of  August  2024.  Two  MHS  seniors  signed   forms  so  concrete  can  get  poured  later  in  the   little bit about everything, from forms to con-  school here, but I also helped build it.
        contracts  and  are  working  on-site,  with  the   day. Working with the crew is great because I’m   crete and what materials are in concrete and
        construction company, hired to build the new   assigned to a construction worker and will stand   how that process all works together.
        STeAM and health science facilities at their   by their side until they see that I understand the   What do you want to do after school?
        school.  The  STeAM  addition  at  Muskego   concept well enough to work on it myself.
                                                                                   Veronica — I’m not exactly sure what I

                  Pulaski Tech Wing Expansion

                                                                                space  and  incorporating  cutting-edge  equip-  prepared.”
                                                                                ment, including a CNC Fiber Laser and CNC   “With  increasing  our  shop  areas,  PHS
                                                                                Press Brake, students will gain hands-on expe-  will be able to increase the capacity of its tech-
                                                                                rience processing diverse materials, focusing   nology education offerings,” Pitzen said.
                                                                                on state-of-the-art machinery.”        “A new paint booth in autos will allow
                                                                                   The  PHS  Technology  Department  is  in   students to be trained in auto body and repair.
                                                                                the midst of expansion with more space being   Students will be using updated equipment in
                                                                                added  to  the Tech Wing. A  ground-breaking   the metals shop to learn skills needed in the
                                                                                ceremony  was  held  Feb.  29  for  that  project.   advanced manufacturing field.
                                                                                Superintendent Allison Space and high school   “Also, the existing metals shop will get
                                                                                principal Matt Smith followed band and choir   six  more  welding  booths  to  allow  more  stu-
                                                                                performances  with  remarks  of  gratitude  and   dents to be trained. The addition onto the wood
                                                                                excitement.                        shop will be used for construction course so
                                                                                   “Where  we  are  standing,  students  will   students  can  build  any  time  of  the  year  and
                                                                                experience  hands-on  learning  in  automotive   also house some of our CNC equipment,” he
                                                                                mechanics,  electronics,  metals  fabrication,   added.
                                                                                woods  technology,  small  engine  repair  and   Pulaski High School has around 150 stu-
                                                                                whatever our instructors and students dream-  dents who are in youth apprenticeships with
                                                                                up. Our students are hungry to learn in these   several  community  partners.  These  commu-
        Pulaski Community School District   Multimatic  255,  a  5’  x  10’  fabrication  table,   areas, and we are so grateful to provide them   nity partners gave feedback to tech-ed officials
            The  Pulaski  High  School  Technol-  and the building costs were able to be used for   with  a  facility  that  makes  that  learning  not   at  Pulaski  High  School  on  specific  things
        ogy  Department  will  soon  have  some  new   some of the matching portion.  only possible, but guaranteed,” said Allison.   they’re looking for, and this new expansion is
        cutting-edge  equipment  thanks  to  a  $50,000   The PCSD was one of 17 districts state-  According to Local 5 out of Green Bay,   expected to give students just that. The expan-
        Department of Workforce Development Wis-  wide  to  benefit  from  the  grants,  which  will   Matt  Smith,  the  principal  at  Pulaski  High   sion  will  give  more  room  to  Pulaski  High
        consin Fast Forward grant.          help provide advanced manufacturing training   School said, “This is going to add thousands   School’s woods and construction space along-
            The school district will use grant funds   in preparation for high-demand job opportuni-  of feet to our existing tech-ed space, and it’s   side its metals shop and auto shop.
        for  an  OMTECH  CNC  Fiber  Laser  Cutting   ties.                     coming  with  new  equipment  that’s  going  to
        Machine. The grant required matching funds.   “Our project aims to expand the manu-  provide our kids some real-life opportunities.
        The  matching  part  of  the  grant  will  be  used   facturing  lab,  providing  students  with  an   This expansion is really going to give our kids
        to purchase Baileigh CNC Press Brake, Ellis   enriched  learning  environment  for  advanced   a leg up and be prepared. We’ve got kids that
        Metal  Cutting  Bandsaw  1600  with  vertical   manufacturing careers,” said John Pitzen, PHS   are going to four-year colleges, wanting to be
        table, Ellis Belt Sander 6000, 6 Miller Welders   teacher and department chair. “By increasing   engineers, architects. They’re going to be well
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