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        Teaching Today Wisconsin | Summer/Back to School 2024                                                                                 Page 19

                       Kari Krueger is the 2024 Elementary School Principal of the Year

                                            and  Odyssey  Magnet  School,  she  has  dedi-  (AASD),  says  that  Krueger  is  “a  talented,   tion teacher.
                                            cated  herself  to  creating  a  strong  culture  of   dedicated educator who focuses on continuous   Supported by the Herb Kohl educational
                                            diversity and inclusivity.          school  improvement.  She  is  an  instructional   Foundation,  the  Principal  of  the Year  award
                                               During  her  tenure,  Krueger  cultivated   leader  who  values  diversity  and  works  tire-  recognizes  school  leaders  who  have  helped
                                            a  robust  school  culture  centered  on  student   lessly  to  provide  equitable,  high-quality   drive student learning, foster instructional col-
                                            achievement  and  support,  while  working   learning  opportunities  for  all  students.”  She   laboration, and create safe and positive school
                                            actively to bridge the gap between home and   continues, “It’s fitting that Kari be recognized   environments.  Recipients  are  selected  based
                                            school. As  a  result  of  her  efforts,  Highlands   as  the  2024  Wisconsin  Elementary  School   on their dedication to professional excellence,
                                            experienced an increase in its growth score on   Principal of the Year for her unwavering dedi-  leadership  skills,  and  service  to  their  com-
                                            the Wisconsin School Report Card.   cation,  steadfast  support,  and  the  profound   munities.  The  Wisconsin  elementary  School
                                               To positively influence school culture and   impact she has had on the Highlands/Odyssey   Principal of the Year is selected from the Kohl
                                            student  achievement,  Krueger  committed  to   school communities and the AASD.”  Leadership Award Recipients.
                                            include student, parent, and community voices   “From all of us at AWSA, I would like to   each  year,  teachers,  parents,  staff,  and
                                            in critical conversations and decisions. As part   extend my congratulations to Kari Krueger for   administrators  are  asked  to  nominate  princi-
                                            of this initiative, she enhanced Highland’s Pos-  being  named  the  2024  Elementary  Principal   pals for the award. The recipients are selected
                                            itive Behavior Intervention and Support team   of the Year,” said Jim Lynch, executive direc-  by a committee made up of representatives of
                                            by adding parent representatives. Parent repre-  tor  of AWSA.  “She  truly  leads  by  example,   parents,  and  classroom,  school,  and  district
                                            sentatives identified areas for improvement in   embodying the principles she strives to instill   leaders.
            The  Association  of  Wisconsin  School   regard to rewarding positive student behavior,   in  her  students,  staff  members,  and  commu-
        Administrators  (AWSA)  has  named  Kari   directly impacting the school’s culture.  nity.  Through  her  actions,  she  demonstrates   Courtesy of the Association of Wisconsin
        Krueger as its 2024 Elementary School Prin-  In addition, Krueger made special efforts   a commitment to continual learning, growth,   School Administrators (AWSA)
        cipal of the Year.                  to meet with students, taking their input and   and  fostering  a  positive  culture  of  improve-
            Krueger is the principal of Highlands ele-  using their recommendations to clarify, refine,   ment.”
        mentary School and Odyssey Magnet School   and improve the school’s behavioral expecta-  Krueger holds a bachelor’s degree in ele-
        in  the Appleton Area  School  District,  where   tions.                mentary  education  and  special  education,  as
        she  has  served  for  four  years  after  spending   Dr.  Nan  Bunnow,  Assistant  Superin-  well as an educational leadership certification.
        two  years  as  assistant  principal.  During  her   tendent of the Appleton Area School District   earlier in her career, she was a special educa-
        time  in  leadership  at  Highlands  elementary

                      Santiago Navarro is the 2024 Wisconsin Secondary Principal of the Year

                                            prekindergarten  through  8th  grade  charter   students  with  the  resources  and  support   tionally, his long-standing investment in the
                                            school operated by the United Community   essential  for  their  future  success.  During   school is palpable, as he consistently goes
                                            Center in Milwaukee. Navarro has served as   his  time  at  BGCS,  the  school  has  seen   above and beyond to ensure every student
                                            middle school principal since 2009 and has   the number of alumni enrolling in college   receives the support they need to thrive.”
                                            worked in some capacity at the same school   after graduation increase from 3 percent to   Navarro  holds  a  bachelor’s  degree,  a
                                            since starting as a 5th grade teacher in 1996.  60 percent. In addition, 70 percent of stu-  master’s  degree,  in  education  and  a  New
                                               As  a  principal,  Navarro  emphasizes   dents now attend private high schools after   Leaders for New Schools certification.
                                            the important role schools can play in their   completing 8th grade at BGCS, and many   Courtesy of the Association of Wiscon-
                                            communities.  Primarily  serving  students   receive scholarship support from the united   sin School Administrators (AWSA)
                                            from  low-income  families,  BGCS  is  able   Community Center.
                                            to provide wraparound support services for   Navarro  strives  to  use  data-driven
                                            families  thanks  to  its  partnership  with  the   decision-making  and  carefully  cultivated
                                            United Community Center.            relationships to drive leadership and instruc-
                                               “I am incredibly proud of Mr. Navarro   tion in the school. He believes combining
                                            and  the  impact  he  has  had  on  our  middle   data  analysis  with  strong  relationships  is
                                            school and community here at United Com-  key to helping students succeed.
                                            munity Center. This award is a testament to   “On behalf of AWSA, I am thrilled to
            The Association  of Wisconsin  School   his unwavering passion and dedication to his   congratulate  Santiago  Navarro  on  being
        Administrators has named Santiago Navarro   staff and students and I’m excited to be able   selected as the 2024 Secondary Principal of
        as its 2024 Secondary School Principal of   to celebrate him today,” said Laura Gutier-  the Year,” said Jim Lynch, executive director
        the Year.                           rez, CEO of United Community Center.  of AWSA. “His unwavering commitment to
            Navarro  is  the  principal  of  Bruce-  Navarro  specifically  aims  to  cultivate   the  school’s  community  and  dedication  to
        Guadalupe   Community   School,   a   a  second  “home”  atmosphere,  providing   student success are truly remarkable. Addi-

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